Ignatian Pedagogy Resources
Reflections from 博彩网址大全 Faculty:
- Overview of Ignatian Pedagogy, featuring Darina Sargeant, Ph.D., Associate Professor and Assistant Program Director Department of Physical Therapy & Athletic Training and Michael D Rozier SJ, Instructor, Department of Community Department of Health Management and Policy.
- The Five Elements of Ignatian Pedagogy, featuring Darina Sargeant, Ph.D., Associate Professor and Assistant Program Director Department of Physical Therapy & Athletic Training.
- The Notebook Volume 13, Issue 1: Ignatian Pedagogy
- The Notebook Volume 11, Issue 4: Jesuit Pedagogy
- The Notebook Volume 5, Issue 1: Teaching and the Jesuit Tradition
Tip Sheets:
From the Jesuitnet You Tube Channel: "The late Fr. Vincent Duminuco, S. J. -- past Secretary of Education for the Society of Jesus and coordinator of the document, Ignatian Pedagogy, A Practical Approach, describes the history and framework of the pedagogical model. Copyright 2005 JesuitNET. Filming by Nicholas Lombardi, S.J., Fordham University"
Links on Ignatian Pedagogy:
- Ignatian Spirituality (contains education documents)
- Communal Reflection on the Jesuit Mission in Higher Education: A Way of Proceeding
- Jesuit Education
- [http://jesuitinstitute.org/Resources/Ignatian Pedagogy (JI Edition 2013).pdf] Ignatian Pedagogy: A Practical Approach
- Ignatian Center for Jesuit Education (Santa Clara University)
- Saint Ignatius on Teaching Mathematics, Conversations Magazine, 2005
- [http://iajbs.jesuitbusinessschools.com/resources/209.pdf] The Spiritual Exercises: A Paradigm for a Reflection on Good Teaching
- The Curriculum Carries the Mission: The "Ratio Studiorum", the Making of Jesuit Education, and the Making of the Society of Jesus